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Getting a right learning environment for children

For more than six years, Olivia Nambasa had to brave the early morning cold weather having classes under the tree shades. Wherever it rained, classes could not go on as she sought shelter in the neighboring homes. Besides that, her school, St. Kizito Bukolwa Primary school in Luwero district had one pit latrine, which was shared by both the teachers and pupils.

In the school compound, there is this old dilapidated building which was built in 1950s. The school no longer uses it. Apart from it having several cracks, it leaks and puts the lives of the children at a risk.

Buganda king Mutebi with baby prince - Copy The unfriendly environment at this school led many children especially girls to drop out of school. On the other hand, there was a lot of absenteeism which affected the academic performance of children.

Today, Olivia together with over 560 pupils at this school has a reason to smile. This follows Plan’s intervention to support the school create a child-friendly learning environment.

With support from Autonomous Research Charitable Trust UK, Plan Uganda constructed a three classroom block fully equipped with desks and text books for the children at this school.

Other facilities put in place include, the water tank, teacher’s house and a separate pit latrine for boys and girls.

“I am happy to study under a conducive environment. We have whatever it takes to achieve quality education. Besides that, as a girl child, I no longer have to miss classes because of the menstrual periods. We have separate latrines for boys and girls.” Olivia says.

The community is now confident to send their children to school because the environment has greatly improved.

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February 25, 2019

1 responses on "Getting a right learning environment for children"

  1. it’s nice

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