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This Learner’s Book offers you an opportunity to perfect your knowledge, skills, values, attitudes and understanding in Entrepreneurship. This book …


This Learner's Book offers you an opportunity to perfect your knowledge, skills, values, attitudes and understanding in Entrepreneurship. This book will give you an opportunity to study actively. It includes
hands-on brainstorming tasks and learning activities, for your learning experience. It facilitates the learning process in terms of acquisition of the knowledge and skills necessary to lead you into various professions. The learning activities will enable you to take responsibility for your learning, acquire the knowledge, skills, values and attitudes needed in the world of work, help you develop critical thinking skills needed to solve problems, be creative, communicate effectively and also enable you to use the available information and communications technologies in learning. The activities will enable you to acquire the life skills of cooperation, teamwork, tolerance, and many others. The conversations and
discussions will shape your ideas in contributing to the wealth of knowledge. You are encouraged to actively participate in group or pair work so to learn from each other as you share experiences.

Course Currilcum

  • LSC: S2 Legal Forms of Business Ownership Details 11 months, 3 weeks
  • Introduction In this chapter, you will explore the possible forms of business ownership that entrepreneurs can participate in. You will learn about business formalization in Uganda. After deciding on the form of business ownership to engage in ,entrepreneurs must formalize it by registering it with the Uganda
  • sample activity of integration legal forms and ownership 7, 00:00
  • LSC S2:Production in Business Details 11 months, 3 weeks
  • Introduction In this chapter, you will produce quality products for sale. To achieve this, you will explore human wants, factors of production, specialization, division of labour and diversification in production. You will appreciate the position of raw materials in production and have a discussion about the machinery, equipment and tools used in production. Through working with your classmates and being guided by your teacher, you will be able to produce quality products for sale. For a good life, human beings need products and it is for that reason that you are going to study production in business.
  • sample activity of integration production in business 10, 00:00
  • LSC S2:Marketing in a Small and Medium Business Enterprise Details FREE 11 months, 3 weeks
  • Introduction In this chapter, you are going to market and sell products. In the previous chapter, you explored production in business. When businesses produce products, they have to make sure that customers know that they exist. Secondly, the products must be made available to the customers in their respective locations. Entrepreneurs have the task of knowing who their customers are, what products they will buy and at which price, and how the products will reach them. Therefore, in this Chapter, you are going to explore how you can market and sell products. You will practically do this through collaboration with your groupmates.
  • sample activity of integration marketing in a small and medium business enterprise 10, 00:00
  • LSC:S2 Money and Financial Institutions Details FREE 11 months, 3 weeks
  • Introduction When you make a decision to be an entrepreneur, the major aim of your business is to make profit and accumulate money. But also, you must be able to secure your money and get financial support when you have to, for example when you want to expand your business. The presence of money and financial institutions smoothens business operations. Money cannot be kept inside one's house to avoid troubles like theft, misuse and poor accountability, among others. Therefore, there are financial institutions that work alongside businesses on the issues of money. In this chapter, you will appreciate the importance of money and financial institutions in conducting business. There exist many types of financial institutions like the Central Bank, commercial banks and micro-finance institutions, among others. They all play different roles in business.
  • sample activity of integration Money and Financial Institutions 10, 00:00
  • LSC S2:Taxation Details FREE 11 months, 3 weeks
  • Introduction Paying taxes is your responsibility as a citizen. It is one of the ways you participate in the development of the country. Taxes are the blood which enables government to provide for the needs of the community like education, health, constructing roads, ensuring security and investing in productive activities like industrialization and agriculture. In this chapter, you will appreciate your role in the development of your country as an honest taxpayer.
  • sample activity of integration taxation 10, 00:00