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CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PRIMARY TWO This course is part of the entire primary two scopes which you must complete before …


This course is part of the entire primary two scopes which you must complete before advancing to primary three. It is entirely based on Christian Religious Education.


Course Currilcum

  • C.R.E P/2: MY HOME AND COMMUNITY Details 1 year
  • This unit is about my community and family as part of the P.2 Christian Religious Education
  • C.R.E/P/2: MY HOME AND COMMUNITY1, 00:00
  • C.R.E/P/2: CREATION Details 1 year
  • This unit is about the creation of the universe and everything in it as part of the course for primary two religious education course
  • C.R.E/P/2: CREATION1, 00:00
  • C.R.E/P/2: KNOWING JESUS’ LOVE FOR US Details 1 year
  • This unit is part of the complete course for primary two religious education
  • C.R.E/P/2: KNOWING JESUS’ LOVE FOR US10, 00:00
  • C.R.E/P/2: WORSHIPPING GOD Details 1 year
  • This unit is part of the Primary Two course and it is about worshipping God with reverence.
  • C.R.E/P/2: WORSHIPPING GOD10, 00:00
  • C.R.E/P/2: SERVICE Details 1 year
  • This unit is meant to highlight the importance of service to the primary two children and help them understand why it is important to serve others.
  • C.R.E/P/2: SERVICE10, 00:00
  • C.R.E/P/2: CONCERN FOR OTHERS Details 1 year
  • This unit is for primary two christian religious education about concern for othersincluding honsty and fairness.
  • C.R.E/P/2: CONCERN FOR OTHERS1, 00:00
  • C.R.E/P/2: GOD’S GIFT OF HIS SON Details 1 year
  • This unit is about God's gift of a son to us and it teaches us about the importance of gifts to the community where we live.
  • C.R.E/P/2: GOD’S GIFT OF HIS SON2, 00:00