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Introducing Chemistry to the Learner This a learner’s guide for Chemistry Senior One. It is specifically prepared to meet the …


Introducing Chemistry to the Learner

Udemy style 7This a learner’s guide for Chemistry Senior One. It is specifically prepared to meet the needs of the New Lower Secondary curriculum for Uganda. Chemistry is concerned with  the physical and chemical properties of substances and the interaction of energy and matter.

This learner’s guide tries to bring out how the study of Chemistry involves an investigation into chemical reactions and processes.

It seeks to help the learner explain and predict events at the atomic and molecular level. Through this guide, learners will understand the principles of Chemistry and how they relate to everyday life, nature and technology, and the significance of the wellbeing of man and the environment.   chemistryThe guide further  allows  learners to work individually and with others in practical, field, and interactive activities that are related to theoretical concepts in the course. It is expected that learners will apply investigative and problem-solving skills, effectively communicate scientific information and appreciate the contribution that a study of chemistry makes to their understanding of the world. It places greater emphasis on the understanding and application of chemical concepts and principles and different learning styles and needs so that learners will develop skills that will be of long-term value in an increasingly technological world, rather than focusing on large quantities of factual information.

In addition, it encourages the use of various teaching and learning strategies while at the same time catering to multiple intelligences.

This Course consists of nine chapters including Chemistry and Society, Experimental Chemistry, States and changes of states of matter, Using materials, Temporary and permanent changes; Mixtures, Elements and compounds, Air, Water; and Rocks and Minerals. All the topics are well illustrated with images, graphics, and videos and clearly presented so all the learners find the course easy to understand.

Course Currilcum

  • LSC: Chemistry and Society Details 1 year
  • COMPETENCY: By the end of this topic, you will be able to assess the application of Chemistry in our everyday life, and its contribution to our economy.
  • LSC: Chemistry and Society Assignment 15, 00:00
  • LSC: Experimental Chemistry Details 1 year
  • Competency: Understand that chemistry is a process of evidence-based enquiry involving the collection of evidence about the natural world, the identification of trends and patterns in the evidence and the development of theories that help us explain the evidence.
  • LSC: Experimental Chemistry Assignment 10, 00:00
  • LSC: States and Changes of States of Matter Details 1 year
  • Competency: The learner uses knowledge of the arrangement and motion of particles to explain the properties of solids, liquids and gases.
  • LSC: States and Changes of States of Matter Assignment 10, 00:00
  • LSC: Using Materials Details 1 year
  • Competency: The Learner should be able to explore how materials are used and relate these uses to their molecular structures.
  • LSC: Using Materials Assignment 10, 00:00
  • LSC: Temporary and Permanent Changes to Materials Details 1 year
  • Competency: The learner should be able to recognise occurrence of temporary and permanent changes, and their importance in everyday life.
  • LSC: Temporary and Permanent Changes to Materials Assignment 10, 00:00
  • LSC: Mixtures, Elements and Compounds Details 1 year
  • Competency: The learner should be able to recognize the characteristics of mixtures and compounds.
  • LSC: Mixtures, Elements and Compounds Assignment 10, 00:00
  • LSC: Air Details 1 year
  • Competency: The learner appreciates air is a mixture of gases in which oxygen is the active constituent, and he/she can describe processes that may affect air quality.
  • LSC: Air Assignment 10, 00:00
  • CHEM1 chapter 8: Water made easy Details 370 years
  • Competency: The learner should investigate evaporation and condensation as natural processes essential to replenishing supplies of fresh water in the water cycle.
  • LSC: Water Assignment 10, 00:00
  • LSC: Rocks and Minerals Details 1 year
  • Competency: The learner appreciates that rocks are composed of different minerals and these determine the properties of the rocks.
  • LSC: Rocks and Minerals Assignment 10, 00:00