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LITERATURE ADVANCED LEVEL PAPER THREE Literature paper three is a course offered at Advanced level (senior 5-senior 6) in Uganda …


Literature paper three is a course offered at Advanced level (senior 5-senior 6) in Uganda and each school is supposed to choose four novels to be examined in the Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education.

Course Currilcum

  • LIT/A/3: The Outsider by Susan Eloise Hinton Unlimited
  • Ponyboy Curtis belongs to a lower-class NOVELS Ponyboy Curtis, the narrator, begins the novel with a story: he is walking home one afternoon after watching a Paul Newman film, and his mind starts to wander. He thinks about how he wants Paul Newman’s good looks, though he likes his own greaser look. He also thinks that, although he likes to watch movies alone, he wishes he had company for the walk home.
  • LIT/A/3: The Outsider by Susan Eloise Hinton assignment10, 00:00
  • LIT/A/3: Sons and Lovers by D. H. Lawrence FREE Unlimited
  • Sons and Lovers is the most popular novel of D.H. Lawrence. One of the best modernist novels, it is also the first English psychological novel, after the publication of which in 1913 Lawrence became well established among the front rank novelists of England. Not only was it well received by the critics but it was also appreciated by the reading public. The first draft or version of this novel was written in 1910, titled Paul Morel. Later after certain changes the novel was renamed as "Sons and Lovers". The novel is largely autobiographical, presenting the Freudian Oedipus imbroglio in classic completeness.
  • LIT/A/3: Sons and Lovers by D. H. Lawrence assignment10, 00:00
  • LIT/A/3: Lord of the Flies by William Golding Unlimited
  • Lord of the Flies is a 1954 novel by Nobel Prize–winning British author William Golding. The book focuses on a group of British boys stranded on an uninhabited island and their disastrous attempt to govern themselves. The novel has been generally well received. Originally published: 1954 Author: William Golding Publisher: Faber and Faber ISBN: 9780399501487
  • LIT/A/3: Lord of the Flies by William Golding assignment10, 00:00
  • LIT/A/3: The Beautyful Ones Are Not Yet Born Ayi Kwei Armah Unlimited
  • The Beautyful Ones is an complicated novel. It explores individual isolation, unequal development, corruption and wasted potential in newly independent African nations against a backdrop of centuries of colonial rule. There is no clear resolution in novel, and the outlook of it can be easily perceived as miserable. Armah mocks with great forcefulness and misshapen language all that is rotten in the world of hypocritical people, lost opportunities and the enormous gap between the few with all the money and power hence the theme that is Armah’s main focus is corruption that existed in various form politically and socially through means either bribing or embezzling,
  • LIT/A/3: Bleak House -Charles Dickens Unlimited
  • Bleak House (1853) is one of five novels Dickens wrote in a decade at the peak of his creative power. It has sixty or so characters, two narrators (one ‘omniscient’ but another in the first person), multiple plotlines in every mode from murder mystery to romance, and settings ranging from the aristocratic Dedlock country seat to Tom-All-Alone’s slum tenement in London. Illegitimacy, disease, poverty, child-labour and crippling addiction to a fantasy of closure afflict a cast of people all caught up in the confused law case of Jarndyce and Jarndyce that is dragging on through the ancient Court of Chancery. Bleak House is a condition-of-England novel and the picture it shows is grim.
  • LIT/A/3: God’s Bits of Wood- Sembene Ousmane Unlimited
  • God's Bits of Wood- Sembene Ousmane highlights the oppression faced by women in the colonial era. They were deprived of their ability to speak on matters including society as a whole. Sembène, however, raises women to a higher spectrum by considering them equally important.
  • LIT/A/3: Houseboy by Ferdinand Oyono Unlimited
  • “Houseboy” was originally published in French in 1956 under the title “Un vie de boy”, and later translated to English in 1966. The book is written in form of a diary, kept by a Cameroonian houseboy Toundi.
  • Houseboy by Ferdinand Oyono Assignment450:07
  • LITA/3: OLIVER TWIST By Charles Dickens Unlimited
  • Oliver Twist, in full Oliver Twist; or, The Parish Boy’s Progress, novel by Charles Dickens, published serially under the pseudonym “Boz” from 1837 to 1839 in Bentley’s Miscellany and in a three-volume book in 1838. The novel was the first of the author’s works to realistically depict the impoverished London underworld and to illustrate his belief that poverty leads to crime.
  • LIT/A/3: A WALK IN THE NIGHT By Alex La Guma Unlimited
  • In 1968, Alex La Guma, a South African novelist and activist who worked to overthrow the apartheid regime as leader of the South African Coloured People's Organization, published his series of short stories titled A Walk in the Night and Other Stories. In this collection, he draws on his personal experiences in South Africa, creating a clear picture of the social injustice known as apartheid, a system where the majority of the country (non-whites), were treated differently than whites. Non-whites (including blacks and other minorities, and even poor whites) were forced to live in different areas, go to separate stores, schools and hospitals, treated differently at work, and were not allowed to interact with whites.Over time, many uprisings helped overturn this system. La Guma participated in and led many strikes and protests, and wrote articles against apartheid, which landed him and his wife in prison several times. Because the South African government prohibited him to speak or publish his writing, he and his family moved to London in 1966. A Walk in the Night and Other Stories was published two years later.
  • LITA/3: THE HEART OF THE MATTER By Graham Greene Unlimited
  • Originally published in 1948, The Heart of the Matter is the unforgettable portrait of one man—flawed yet heroic, destroyed and redeemed by a terrible conflict of passion and faith. This Penguin Deluxe Edition features an introduction by James Wood. Graham Greene’s masterpiece, The Heart of the Matter, tells the story of a good man enmeshed in love, intrigue, and evil in a West African coastal town. Scobie is bound by strict integrity to his role as assistant police commissioner and by severe responsibility to his wife, Louise, for whom he cares with a fatal pity. When Scobie falls in love with the young widow Helen, he finds vital passion again yielding to pity, integrity giving way to deceit and dishonor—a vortex leading directly to murder. As Scobie’s world crumbles, his personal crisis develops the foundation of a story by turns suspenseful, fascinating, and, finally, tragic.
  • LITA/3: THE HEART OF THE MATTER By Graham Greene Assignment10, 00:00
  • LITA/3: UNDER THE GREENWOOD TREE By Thomas Hardy Unlimited
  • Under the Greenwood Tree was Thomas Hardy’s second novel to be published. It appeared anonymously in 1872, and was the first in his great series of what came to be called the ‘Wessex’ novels. It is a light, pastoral comedy of manners that is quite unlike the dark and tragic novels of his later years for which he is well known. The sub-title suggests both the principal subject and the tone in which it should be considered: The Mellstock Quire: A Rural Painting of the Dutch School.
  • LIT/A/3: SEASON OF MIGRATION TO THE NORTH By Tayeb Salih Unlimited
  • The key historical event with which Season of Migration to the North grapples is Anglo-Egyptian colonialism of Sudan, which lasted between 1899 and 1956. In 1898, the British conquered Sudan, and from that period on, ruled it jointly with Egypt—although the Egyptians were only nominally rulers, and real power rested with the British. The British imposed their own laws on the territory, transformed the educational system (mandating, for instance, the teaching of English in schools, in addition to Arabic), and exerted political power to benefit from Sudan’s vast agricultural and other resources, thus enriching themselves in the process. As such, Anglo-Egyptian colonialism of Sudan led to massive political, cultural, and economic upheaval, as colonialism everywhere on the continent of Africa did. As a subject population, the Sudanese had little control over their own lives and destinies. Salih’s novel, therefore, deals with the violence that framed the colonial encounter between Sudan and Britain. In Season of Migration to the North, the novel’s protagonist, Mustafa Sa’eed, strives to repay the violence that has been done to him and to his people, in the name of the “civilizing mission” of British colonialism.
  • LIT/A/3: PERSUASION By Jane Austen Unlimited
  • Persuasion, novel by Jane Austen, published posthumously in 1817. Unlike her novel Northanger Abbey, with which it was published, Persuasion (written 1815–16) is a work of Austen’s maturity. Like Mansfield Park and Emma, it contains subdued satire and develops the comedy of character and manners. Persuasion tells the story of a second chance, the reawakening of love between Anne Elliot and Captain Frederick Wentworth, whom eight years earlier she had been persuaded not to marry.
  • LIT/A/3: BLOSSOMS OF THE SAVANNAH By Ole Kulet Unlimited
  • Blossoms of the Savannah won the Jomo Kenyatta Literary Prize 2009, Kulet’s work was hailed for powerfully addressing the elusive concerns of female genital mutilation and early marriages among the Maa community of the Maasai.It is the story of two sisters, Taiyo and Resian, who are on the verge of womanhood and torn between their personal ambitions and the humiliating duty to the Nasila tradition. Relocation to their rural home heralds a cultural alienation born of their refusal to succumb to female genital mutilation and early marriages. In pursuit of the delicate and elusive socio-economic cultural balance in Nasila, Ole. Kaelo, the girls' father is ensnared by a corrupt extortionist. To extricate himself he sends his daughters into a flat-spin labyrinth from which they have to struggle to escape.
  • LIT/A/3: BLOSSOMS OF THE SAVANNAH By Ole Kulet Assignment10, 00:00
  • LIT/A/3: FATHERS AND SONS By Ivan Turgenev FREE Unlimited
  • In 1859, 44-year-old Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov is the owner of a modest Russian country estate. He waits at an inn for his son, Arkady, a recent graduate of Petersburg University, to arrive. When Arkady’s carriage arrives, he is accompanied by his “great friend” and mentor, whom Arkady introduces to Nikolai as Yevgeny Vassilyich Bazarov, a medical student.
  • LIT/A/3: GREAT EXPECTATIONS By Charles Dickens Unlimited
  • The story of a young blacksmith boy Pip and his two dreams—becoming a gentleman and marrying the beautiful Estella—Great Expectations was serialized from December 1, 1860 until August 3, 1861. With two chapters every week, Great Expectations (and other serialized novels like it) were as close as Victorian England got to Breaking Bad or Mad Men. People waited anxiously every week for the next "episode" to arrive in the newsstands and on the shelves—and you can see why. Dickens was a master of the serialized novel, writing segments full of cliff-hangers and nail-biting action, while remaining true to the novel's overall storyline. His stories worked in pieces and as a cohesive whole—not an easy task. (Just ask J. J. Abrams.)
  • LIT/A/3: DEVIL ON THE CROSS By Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o FREE Unlimited
  • First published in Gikuyu in 1980, Devil on the Cross is a powerful fictional critique of capitalism. It tells the tragic story of Wariinga, a young woman who moves from a rural Kenyan town to the capital, Nairobi, only to be exploited by her boss and later by a corrupt businessman. As she struggles to survive, Wariinga begins to realize that her problems are only symptoms of a larger societal malaise and that much of the misfortune stems from the Western, capitalist influences on her country. An impassioned cry for a Kenya free of dictatorship and for African writers to work in their own local dialects, Devil on the Cross has had a profound influence on Africa and on post-colonial African literature. The novel was written secretly in prison on the only available material — lavatory paper. It was discovered when almost complete but unexpectedly returned to him on his release. Such was the demand for the original Gikuyu edition that it reprinted on publication.
  • LIT/A/3: Tess of the d’Urbervilles By Thomas Hardy Unlimited
  • Tess of the D'Urbervilles is generally regarded as Hardy's tragic masterpiece, and certainly it is his most ambitious tragic novel. It is a story of innocence and sophistication, of man and nature, and of history and its relation to the present, concentrated on the fate of a simple country girl. Thomas Hardy Thomas Hardy Despite certain weaknesses in its thought and plot-construction, as well as the frank treatment of sex in it, it has never ceased to appeal to readers, nor forfeited its claim to being one of the greatest of English novels. Much of the poignancy of this novel is due to its depiction of the helplessness of the condition of its central figure, Tess, in the face of Fate or Providence, which forms one of Hardy's recurring themes.The story of the novel centers round the major character Tess Durbeyfield whose father, a farmer living in the village of Marlott in the Blackmoor Vale, grows crazy about learning from a person that he is a descendent of the ancient manorial family of the D'Urbervilles. She has to go, on the insistence of her mother and much against her will, to a lady of the newly-rich family at D'Urbervilles living in the neighborhood to claim her relationship with it and get some help from the lady. There she comes across the lady's son, Alec D'Urbervilles, and is seduced by him much against her wish. She then comes back to her home where she gives birth to a child who dies soon after.
  • LIT/A/3: POOR CHRIST OF BOMBA By Mongo Beti FREE Unlimited
  • Structured through the device of a young teenager’s daily journal, The Poor Christ of Bomba records the tour of a French Catholic missionary, Father Drumont, and his two assistants—Denis, Drumont’s “boy” and the narrator, and Zacharia, the cook—through a dozen tiny villages in the forest of the Tala region. Bomba, itself a small village surrounded by the forest, teems with activity, sustained primarily by the mission’s sixa, a home for the prenuptial training of young women to encourage monogamy among the traditionally polygamous Talas.
  • POOR CHRIST OF BOMBA By Mongo Beti Assignment10, 00:00
  • LIT/A/3: PRIDE AND PREJUDICE By Jane Austen Unlimited
  • Pride and Prejudice, romantic novel by Jane Austen, published anonymously in three volumes in 1813. A classic of English literature, written with incisive wit and superb character delineation, it centres on the turbulent relationship between Elizabeth Bennet, the daughter of a country gentleman, and Fitzwilliam Darcy, a rich aristocratic landowner.
  • PRIDE AND PREJUDICE by Jane Austen Assignment10, 00:00
  • LIT/A/3: The Outsider by Susan Eloise Hinton Unlimited
  • Ponyboy Curtis belongs to a lower-class NOVELS Ponyboy Curtis, the narrator, begins the novel with a story: he is walking home one afternoon after watching a Paul Newman film, and his mind starts to wander. He thinks about how he wants Paul Newman’s good looks, though he likes his own greaser look. He also thinks that, although he likes to watch movies alone, he wishes he had company for the walk home.
  • LIT/A/3: The Outsider by Susan Eloise Hinton assignment10, 00:00