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LSC S1: ISLAMIC RELIGIOUS EDUCATION SENIOR ONE These notes are part of the revised school curriculum in Uganda: that changes …



These notes are part of the revised school curriculum in Uganda: that changes what is taught in schools, how it is taught and how long it should take. This will make you a unique person when you leave
school, whatever you do thereafter. In the past, the main aim of going to school was to acquire knowledge — that is facts and ideas about each subject. Now the main aim is to acquire both knowledge and understanding as you develop skills, values and competences. These skills or competences include the ability to think for yourself, be able to communicate with others what you have learnt, to be creative, and to be able to think critically, develop your own ideas, not just following those of the teacher and the textbook.

This package has a variety of activities for you to do, as well as information for you to read. The activities present you with the opportunity to learn and find out things for yourself. You already have a lot of knowledge and ideas based on your own experiences in life and within your own community. Some of the activities, therefore, require you to think about the knowledge and ideas you already have. In using this book, therefore, it is essential that you do all the activities. They are the most important part of the book. In some ways this makes learning more of a challenge. But if you take up this challenge you will become a better person and become more successful in life.

You can also learn a lot from other people within the groups created in class. Ideas are shared togetheL You learn and achieve together.
A learning problem can easily be solved by discussing it with others.
Opportunities to learn are well shared and different tasks are given to every member of the group. Many of the activities in the book, therefore, involve discussion or other activities in groups or pairs. Your Teacher will help to organise the groups and may arrange the classroom in such a way that you sit facing each other. You cannot discuss properly unless you are facing each other.
One of the objectives of the new curriculum is to help you find things out for yourself.

Some activities, therefore, require you to do research using books in the library, the internet if your school has this, or other sources such as newspapers and magazines. This means you will develop the skills of
learning for yourself when you leave school. Your teacher will help you if your school does not have a good library or internet.

Course Currilcum

  • Chapter 1.1 – Worship Details 00:00:00
  • Chapter 1.1 - Worship
  • Activity – Worship365, 00:00
  • Chapter 1.2 – Shahada: The statement of Faith LAILAHA ILLA ALLAH MUHAMMAD RASOOLU LLAH Details 12 months
  • Chapter 1.2 - Shahada: The statement of Faith LAILAHA ILLA ALLAH MUHAMMAD RASOOLU LLAH
  • Activity – Shahada: The statement of Faith LAILAHA ILLA ALLAH MUHAMMAD RASOOLU LLAH360, 00:00
  • Chapter 1.3 : Swallah (Prayer) Details 12 months
  • Chapter 1.3 : Swallah (Prayer)
  • Activity – Swallah360, 00:00
  • Chapter 1.4 : Zakat Details 12 months
  • Chapter 1.4 : Zakat
  • Activity – Zakat360, 00:00
  • Chapter 1.5 : Fiqh of Siyam (Fasts) Details 12 months
  • Chapter 1.5 : Fiqh of Siyam
  • Activity – Fiqh of Siyam (Fasts)360, 00:00
  • Chapter 1.6: The Six Articles of Faith Details 1 year
  • Chapter 1.6 : The Six Articles of Faith
  • Activity -The six Articles of Faith360, 00:00
  • Chapter 2.1: Islamic Symbols Details 1 year
  • This unit is about Islamic Symbols
  • Activity – Islamic Symbols360, 00:00
  • Chapter 2.2: Islamic Rituals and Celebrations Details 1 year
  • This unit is about Islamic Rituals and Celebrations
  • Activity – Islamic Rituals and Celebrations360, 00:00
  • Chapter 3.1: Foundation of Islam, Christianity and African Traditional Religion Details 1 year
  • This unit is about Foundation of Islam,Christianity and African Traditional Religion
  • Activity – Foundation of Islam,Christianity and African Traditional Religion360, 00:00
  • Chapter 3.2: Virtues in Islam, Christianity and African Traditional Religion Details 1 year
  • This unit is about Virtues in Islam,Christianity and African Traditional Religion
  • Activity – Virtues in Islam,Christianity and African Traditional ReligionActivity –360, 00:00