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PRIMARY FOUR SCIENCE This Course is about Primary Four Science and it is mandatory to take it after completing Primary …


This Course is about Primary Four Science and it is mandatory to take it after completing Primary Three Science.The course covers the topics of science with value addition. They will help you understand the Science topics better.The topics include plant life, growing crops among other things.


Course Currilcum

  • SCI/P/4: PLANT LIFE Details 1 year
  • The course for studying Plant Life. This course is taken in Primary Four in Ugandan Syllabus.
  • Plant Life assignment10, 00:00
  • SCI/P/4: GARDEN TOOLS Details 1 year
  • This Unit is about tools used in the garden.
  • SCI/P/4: GROWING CROPS Details 1 year
  • This unit is about Growing crops in Science Primary Four.
  • SCI/P/4: TRANSPLANTING Details 1 year
  • This Unit is about transplanting in crop growing.
  • SCI/P/4: WEEDING Details 1 year
  • This unit is about Weeding, Mulching and Pruning among others.
  • SCI/P/4: CROP PESTS AND DISEASES Details 1 year
  • This Unit is about Crop pests and diseases.
  • SCI/P/4: CROP ROTATION Details 1 year
  • This Unit is about Crop rotation and Harvesting.
  • SCI/P/4: WEATHER CHANGES Details 1 year
  • This unit is about weather and how it works. it is studied in Primary four.
  • WEATHER CHANGES P.4 assignment10, 00:00
  • SCI/P/4: WATER CYCLE Details 1 year
  • This Unit is about Water and how it works.
  • SCI/P/4: PERSONAL HYGIENE Details 1 year
  • This Unit is about Personal Hygiene.
  • SCI/P/4: OUR FOOD Details 1 year
  • This Unit is about foods as studied in Science.
  • SCI/P/4: DEFICIENCY DISEASES Details 1 year
  • This Unit is about deficiency diseases with well explained notes examples and images
  • SCI/P/4: PROPER HANDLING OF FOOD Details 1 year
  • This unit handles topics like bad and good eating habits, food contamination, preservation and poisoning as well as food security
  • SCI/P/4: MAJOR ORGANS OF THE BODY Details 1 year
  • This unit explains the major organs of human body
  • SCI/P/4: RESPIRATION Details 1 year
  • This unit is about respiration and blood circulation.
  • SCI/P/4: EXCRETION Details 1 year
  • This Unit is about Excretion for example the skin, Teeth among others.
  • SCI/P/4: SANITATION Details 1 year
  • This Unit is about Sanitation and Germs
  • This Unit is about the diseases that affect human health.
  • SCI/P/4: WORM INFECTION Details 1 year
  • This Unit is about worms that affect our lives.
  • SCI/P/4: VECTORS AND DISEASES Details 1 year
  • This unit is about Vectors and diseases in Primary Four Science.
  • SCI/P/4: PARASITES Details 1 year
  • This Unit is about Parasites and how they are spread.
  • This Unit is about Accidents and First Aid
  • SCI/P/4: FRACTURE Details 1 year
  • This Unit is about fractures and other bone disorders.
  • SCI/P/4: RABBIT KEEPING Details 1 year
  • This Unit is about Rabbits and their diseases.